I dont think any other christian sect believes in the Witnesses peculiar idea of celebrating the Eucharist only once a year on Nisan 14.
"dry cleaning bags filled with swamp gas"
Nate Merit
JoinedPosts by Nate Merit
beliefs I thought were unique to JWs because they had holy spirit
by demeter inthis forum rocks.
i like it very much.. i want to talk about something that i have noticed since leaving the jws.. i thought the ideas about the millenium, armeggedon, invisibility of christ's presence, etc were inspired as truths given only to the anointed to pass on to the faithful witnesses.
the parousia idea was an idea borrowed from a preacher named miller when one of his apocalyptic prophecies failed to come true.
Nate Merit
MATTHEW 24:34 !!!
by Nate Merit in[ homepage ] [ up ][ heaven ][ debates and speeches ].
the skeptical review version may be found at:.
http://www.infidels.org/library/magazines/tsr/2000/4/004genea.html .
Nate Merit
Hi Honesty
The article was actually put together by my best bud Mark Smith, and is posted on his atheist website. I thought the folks here would like to see it.
However, yeah, the GB (or the Brooklyn Oracles as I once called them) are fairly nuts. I can attest to you however that I have met several ministers and one Buddhist priest who are every bit as imperious, distant, harsh, demanding, unreasonable, despotic, irrational and megalomaniacal as any member of the GB.
Look at Jehovah's behavior in the OT. Look at his self-proclaimed "Mouthpieces" (a Rutherfordism). See a resemblance? -
Prayer??? Real or just something we fool ourselves with!
by free2beme ini was thinking about this today and i found a interesting thought in my mind that i thought would be worth considering here.
i should start off by saying that i do not think prayers to god are answered, as it is like making a call to a wrong number.
however, i do think you can fool yourself into thinking they are, in the following way.. let's say you pray over and over asking for this and that and that.
Nate Merit
Depends upon whom you think you are praying to. A personal God? No such being. You might as well pray to your sofa or your goldfish.
"Prayer" to your own innermost being (whether understood psychologically or metaphysically), now thats a good idea. Prayers in the form of Positive Affirmations can make a real difference in your inner life, which can manifest as positive changes in your outer life. -
International aposatfest..............................
by vitty inwouldnt it be great to have an international apostafest ??????????.
couldnt it be planned for a couple of years in advance so that ppl could save up ???.
where do most ppl live i suspect the us but i dont know which state.
Nate Merit
I vote for Las Vegas. I could lose my shirt while I reminisce about my days in the Tower.
Benefits of being a Dub as a child
by pratt1 in.
i can't think of many benefits of growing up a a dub but i do remember that i always viewed the other dub kids as brorthers and sisters and they became my support system amongst the "worldly people".
i remember going into a new neighhood or a new school and knowing that once i met the dub kids there, i would automatically have friends and i would not be alone.. this was especially comforting to me because i was an only child, and many times i entered into a new school not knowing anyone and sometimes being the only black kid in the class, my dub peers made me feel welcome and accepted me into the circle immediately.. for many years i feel special to be part of this worldwide brotherhood, and i am sure it is the reason why now i am inafriad of changes and/or new surroundings.. did you have similar experiences?.
Nate Merit
I went from 'cool' to 'fool' by getting involved with the Dubs at fifteen. I got welts all over me from being touched with an eleven foot poles.
I had JayDub friends all right. One picked his nose almost nonstop. Another one had really bad teeth and his breath stank. Another one's face had dozens of pimples bursting out on his face like skyrockets on July fourth. Another one was weirdly tall (6 feet 9 inches) and was dumber than a sack of hammers and would hurt me by 'accident'. Another one was a klepto. As in maniac. Three of them were chicks. One of them gorgeous and she was the reason I got involved in the first place. The other two were sisters. One was short and mean and ugly, the other one was skinny and tall and sweet, but wouldnt shut up NO MATTER WHAT AND SHE DIDNT HAVE AN 'OFF' BUTTON!!
Thankfully, I gave myself a breather when I was about sixteen and a half, and partied and got laid till after I graduated. Then I spllit for Californy and ended up involved again. After all these years I have no idea why. The friends in San Jose were everything the WTBTS says Witnesses are. I had never before or since met a warmer, more loving, accepting, inclusive, sociable bunch of people. Had I stayed in San Jose I would probably still be a Dub if for no other reason than they would be my dearest friends.
I moved back to MI and everything was the exact opposite of San Jose.
Nate -
they just called on me
by pc inan older woman and a younger woman with a baby in a stoller knocked on my door.
my house is so decorated with spider webs,pumpkins,skulls,gravestones, etc.
when i opened the door the crawling hand and candy dishes started thier seperate sounds and music, i just started to laugh.. she didn't introduce herself as one of jehovah's witnesses, she said she was doing volunteer work.
Nate Merit
Four years ago a couple of Dubs were at my door. I hadn't opened it yet, so I grabbed a cardboard tube from off the floor (left over from wrapping wedding gifts) and stuck the tube at the edge of the closed door. Breathing very heavily and loudly I sounded exactly like Darth Vader. "What do you want?" I asked, doing a brilliant James Earl Jones. "We're Bible Students and we're.."
"NO!" I shouted. "You are Jehovah's Lickspittle Witnesses! I could smell you halfway down the street!"
"Have a good day sir, we..."
"NO! Wait while I get my light saber!"
Haven't been any Dubs here since.
Nate -
Nate Merit
Welcome aboard. I hereby remove your guilt. There. It's gone. Don't ask. I did it invisibly. I have the chronology here somewhere...
Nate -
Is it possible for the WT society to ever convince us of true reform?
by james_woods ini got to thinking about this and for me anyway, they would have to come clean on at least the following things:.
an honest retraction must be made on all the ridiculous chronology (of course including the false prophecies).
by this i mean, stop this psuedo numerology stuff of adding up this or that date, adding on x many years, etc.
Nate Merit
Don't hold your breath!
Welcome to the Board.
Nate -
New Light! Invisible Armageddon!
by jstalin init is going to be announced that with all the anticipation for the coming of armageddon, we didnt notice the actual event.
thats right, it was an invisible armageddon.
if we take the 70 years of captivity, plus 1914, we get 1984. then we use the people equal hours rule and apply it to the 144,000, using division, and we get 6,000. then we use the hours equal years rule to divide 6,000 by 360 to get 16.66 additional years, add that to 1984, and we get the year 2000 for armageddon!
Nate Merit
It's a good thing you posted this. Now the GB can steal your humorous idea and turn it into an actual doctrine!
What's next? Invisible baptism? Invisible field service? Invisible meetings at invisible Kingdom Halls?
Nate -
MATTHEW 24:34 !!!
by Nate Merit in[ homepage ] [ up ][ heaven ][ debates and speeches ].
the skeptical review version may be found at:.
http://www.infidels.org/library/magazines/tsr/2000/4/004genea.html .
Nate Merit
TD, this is brilliant. I sent it off to Mark Smith, who put together this article on Matt 24:34. I'm curious. How did so many of us who have perfectly good minds wind up being Jehovah's Witnesses? LOL. I have an excuse! I had a terrific crush on a JW gal named Toni Taylor at age 15. I'm now 52. Remembering her face and smile is still a very pleasant experience.
So, in my case it was hormones. :)
Yours in Life,